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Table WSB_PDFMergeSetup

Stores the main settings of the PDF Merge app.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption PDF Merge Setup
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany False


ID Type Name Description
1 Code[10] PrimaryKey Setup empty primary key field.
2 Boolean Loaded Specifies whether the setup was loaded.
3 Boolean Enabled Whether the PDF Merge app is enabled. You can completely disable PDF Merge by setting the field value to false, so that no PDF merges are applied whatsoever.
10 Boolean ApplyUnderlays Specifies whether underlays should be applied to the main documents (e.g., to the Sales Order Confirmation itself).
11 Boolean Underlays Specifies whether specific underlays are applied to the main documents (e.g., to the Sales Order Confirmation itself) instead of all available underlays .
22 Boolean UseAlternativeAPI Specifies whether to use an alternative/custom merging API instead of the API that is used by default.
23 Text[250] AlternativeAPIBaseURL Specifies the base URL of the alternative/custom merging API to use instead of the API that is used by default.
24 Enum WSB_APIEnvironmentScope AlternativeAPIScope Specifies the environments in which the alternative/custom merging API should be used.